So I recently decided to drop you all a list of the YouTube channels I find my self watching.
This list will get big and will be updated to list all the channels I like


What can be said for Jay, Nick and Phil !
This is where you go for all the indepth builds and water cooling info.

I’ve been watching Linus for quite sumoetime and I’ve come to appreciate the whole effort he has put in to growing and providing Tech news and reviews that I’ve come to almost rely on.

Level 1
Wendell is an institution by himself, I value every statement he makes and the information he provides is top notch.
The NEws/Link with friends is a must watch for me too.

Some Ordinary Gamers
Mutahar is a stallwart in all things current regarding tech, games, deep web and other shenanigans that may or may not ocur on the ‘tinter tubes!.


Chris Titus (Alt channel:ctt)
We can’t not mention Chris Titus here.
The guy is the creator of his tweak tool WinUtil that I link to in my sidebar.
His videos are always knee deep in tech be it linux or his app and what he’s doing. What makes this good is that you can learn from his videos even though they are very light hearted and he’s learning this with us!’

When we talk about Linux we can’t leave out Broadie Robertson.
The guy seems to always have his finger on the pulse and is only ever a few hours off the mark lol.
Good content.


Threatwire with Ali.
Sec news can’t get better, She’s the girl all the geeks want to know for very obvious reason too and she’s happy with that.
Very active coder, loves defcon and streams nearly all the time on twitch.
You gotta see the dimples!

David Bombal
David is just excellent, The community section is his way to test us all.
His content is so in depth you learn and he actually provides many training courses via his website.
You need this man in your subs list.

The DefCon what can really be said other than I will go here one day.
It’s a tech/Hacking conference where nearly anything goes, You’ll find all manner of types here from black,white,grey hat hackers, Tech nerds, sec nerd, exploiters and more.

BlackHat Con
BlackHat Con, They want to be good and sometimes they’ll have a demo or talk from someone/thing that is good, I check in every now and then but yeah.


Content Creators & Teams

Charlie just hits the nail on the head with his takes on the recent funny shit

Asmongold well fuk me what a rep lol
Head of the wild OTK crew and part founder of Starforge PCs

Steak & Eggs
Tectone, Emiru and Asmongold hang out and do shit together

The uber Rust Admin who takes no shit, doles out the bans and fuks with cheaters in rust, his Admin skill are sought after by cheater so they can avoid him but nobody has managed to yet.

Oompavile has some good takes on current affairs and is a funny fuka.
He’s also the other half ok Kris Collins KMK

Cute Kris Colins provides us with KallMeKris.
Funny takes on current affairs, regular crime posts and stories too.


Ghosts / Debunking

I like the paranormal as I am a believer but at the same time I’m not here to watch blatant bullshit and lies being punted off as truth.
I’ve been interested in all things paranormal from a young age as my mother used to go to a medium and had the sessions recorded, I’d wait in the front room of the lady’s house!
We had hundreds of books on the subject and these were the first books I ever read as a kid. I might make an article about my experiences one day.

Beardo Gets Scared
Dale/Beardo Is a great debunker who’s learn from the greats like Jason Hawes, Kenny Biddle and Parple.
This is from his channel page: Join me as I fearlessly debunk mysteries, engage in heart-pounding live streams, and navigate the darkest corners of horror gaming.
Brace yourself for a journey where skepticism meets the supernatural, and let’s unravel the mysteries together! Subscribe now for a hair-raising blend of investigation, live thrills, and gaming scares that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Are you ready to face the unknown?

Kenny Biddle
Kenny Biddle is the de-bunkers debunker!
He pulls apart any and all claims and applies science and logic to all. I’d highly recommend him.

Jason Hawes (TAPS)
Not much needs to be said about Mr Hawes.
His reputation in Ghost Hunters is testament to his contribution in this field and yes He does debunk too but the channel producers he was working with didn’t want that boring stuff!
So he left and went independent, Glad he did too.

Mythos Paranormal
Mythos is another top choice for debunking and investigations.

Recently his content has become quite random but it is funny! His older content is more paranormal and he’s a very good investigator and debunker.

Paranormal Mokey Podcast
Justin Cowell has worked on a few shows and has his own reputation, yes another big name.
This podcast of his features some real big names in the paranormal and recently had Dave Schrader on as a guest!


Jeremy Corbell
In his own words:
an American contemporary artist and investigative filmmaker with movies on Netflix and Hulu.
He is known for his documentary work exploring mysteries in the fields of UFOs, advanced technology and the dark space where science confronts the abnormal.
Corbell’s films reveal how ideas, held by credible individuals, can alter the way we experience reality and help us to reconsider the fabric of our own beliefs.
This is where you’ll find the weaponized Podcast he does with George Knapp.

George Knapp
Veteran newsman George Knapp has been bringing great stories to the KLAS-TV audience in Las Vegas since 1981, establishing a national reputation for treating unusual topics with serious journalism.
We’ve only scratched the surface on our archive of stories that originally aired in Las Vegas on KLAS-TV Channel 8, and will be uploading more every week, along with new investigations.